All Systems Operational
SMS Messaging
Beacon is sending and receiving SMS messages properly.
Dispatcher Web Pages
Beacon Dispatcher Web Pages (v7.0.7) updated 05/02/2024, please clear browser cache and refresh page to load updates.
Mobile App
Beacon Mobile App (v5.7.0) available for download in the iOS App Store and Google Play Store. Please update your Beacon Mobile App.
** Software minimum compatibility requirement of iOS 15 or Android 7 in order to run the latest version of Beacon.
Beacon Backend (v5.8.6) is functioning correctly.
The Beacon Mobile App v5.7.0 is now available for download for Android and iOS devices.
Included in this update:
Mobile App v5.7.0
- Improved User Interface
- Enhanced Audio Features for Flutter web
- Better recording and receiving of audio messages
- Record button now uses tap instead of long press
- Dark Mode Enhancements for Google Maps and OSM map pages
- General Improvements and Fixes
The Beacon Mobile App v5.6.2 is now available for download for Android and iOS devices.
Included in this update:
Mobile App v5.6.2
- Grouped In-App Alerts making it easier to manage multiple notifications
- Incident Cards now show an indicator for Queued incidents that are On Hold
- Fixed issues with creating transport destination landmarks
- Enabled sound and banner notifications for active chat rooms to keep you informed during conversations
- Introduced a new UI for message pop-ups on tablet devices, ensuring visibility from the right-side drawer
- Added vibration for chat notifications, enhancing alertness to new messages
The Beacon Mobile App v5.6.1 is now available for download for Android and iOS devices.
Included in this update:
Mobile App v5.6.1
- Improved Server Communication: Enhanced connection security and stability
- Case Reports session Expiry Countdown: Keep track of token expiry directly on the Case Report page
- Grouped In-App Alerts making it easier to manage multiple notifications
- Enhanced Interface:
- Incident Cards now show an indicator for Queued incidents that are On Hold
- Fixed issues with creating transport destination landmarks
- Enabled sound and banner notifications for active chat rooms to keep you informed during conversations
- Introduced a new UI for message pop-ups on tablet devices, ensuring visibility from the right-side drawer
- Added vibration for chat notifications, enhancing alertness to new messages
The Beacon Mobile App (v5.6.0) is now available for download for Android and iOS devices. There are also new updates to the Beacon Web App (v7.0.7).
Included in this update:
Mobile App v5.6.0
- Added indicator for Queued incidents that are on Hold
- Added vibration capabilities for In-App alerts
Web App v7.0.7
- Added indicator for Queued incidents that are on Hold
- New Incident History feature
- Dispatcher incident comments now accessible through the dashboard
The Beacon Mobile App v5.5.0 is now available for download for Android and iOS devices.
Included in this update:
Mobile App v5.5.0
- Changed the keyboard type for iOS on the sign-up page to the numeric keyboard style
- Added more Sign and Symptoms fields to Case Reports
- Added ability for GCS selected options to be remembered
- Added adaptability Signs and Symptoms sheet for tablets
- Updated Flutter version
- General Improvements and Bug Fixes
The Beacon Mobile App v5.4.0 is now available for download for Android and iOS devices. There are also new updates to the Beacon Web App (v7.0.6).
Included in this update:
Mobile App v5.4.0
- Ability to delete image attachments from map markers
- New Signs & Symptoms for Case Reports
- New Custom Documentations panel in Case Reports
- Added Altitude information to the First Responder info card
- New GPS Tracking Settings service update
- General Improvements and Bug Fixes
Web App v7.0.6
- Upgraded security measures for Reporting features
- Custom Documents feature for Case Reports
- User List registry for Case Reports
- Incident Report Access Log
- General Improvements and Bug Fixes
The Beacon Mobile App v5.2.2 is now available for download for Android and iOS devices.
Included in this update:
Mobile App v5.2.2
- Queued and Scheduled incidents improvement fix to allow creation even without available responders
- Image paste from clipboard and a delete option for failed chat messages
- Enhanced route clearing post-incident and dynamic search in features overlay
- Improved device type detection, security enhancements, and faster response for maps
- Major improvements for Chat attachments, audio message caching, background location sharing and general features
- Improved performance
The Beacon Mobile App v5.2.0 is now available for download for Android and iOS devices. There are also new updates to the Beacon Web App (v7.0.5).
Included in this update:
Mobile App v5.2.0
- Map Layers Filtering
- Topographical Maps
- Traffic view on Google Maps
- Active Incidents count badges
- Ping feature for users with Supervisor View permissions
- Now supporting Interactive Buttons on iOS devices
** iOS software compatibility requirement. iOS 15 should be installed in order to run this version of Beacon.
Web App v7.0.5
- Map Layers
- Weather Map layers from OSM
- OpenTopoMap and Google Terrain
- Confirmation windows countdown timers
The Beacon Mobile App v5.1.6 is now available for download for Android and iOS devices. There are also new updates to the Beacon Web App (v7.0.3).
Included in this update:
Mobile App v5.1.6
- Push To Talk (PTT) voice messaging with automatic playback of new incoming voice messages.
- Interactive buttons to respond to notifications from locked screen without having to open the App (Android Only)
- Mobile dispatchers can now update the incident description.
Web App v7.0.3
- Push To Talk (PTT) voice messaging with automatic playback of new incoming voice messages
- Request location update from caller via SMS when creating a new incident
- Creating of “Hold” incidents without broadcasting an alert.
- Incident description update
- Reintroduction of Open Street Maps as a mapping provider option in the settings menu
The Beacon Mobile App v5.1.5 is now available for download for Android and iOS devices.
Included in this update:
Mobile App v5.1.5
- Added Push-to-talk feature voice messaging with automatic playback of new incoming voice messages
- Added in-app updates
- Added push notifications history page
- Added ability to edit paths and zones for map editors
- General Performance Improvements and Fixes
The Beacon Mobile App v5.1 is now available for download for Android and iOS devices.
Included in this update:
Mobile App v5.1
- Improved innterface for tablets
- Enabled compression for HEIC images
- Added the Incident Priority feature for creating Queued and Scheduled incidents from the mobile app
- General Performance Improvements and Fixes
There are updates to the Beacon Web App (v7.0.2).
Included in this update:
Web App v7.0.2
- Changes and Improvements for Summary Reports
- Incident Details page improvements
- Changes in Responder Panel to display “Add Responder” functionality when no responders are visible
- Added changes to Incidents Page to display 20 incidents by default
- Added incident on Hold functionality for Queued Incidents
- General Performance Improvements and Fixes
The Beacon Mobile App v5.0.5 is now available for download for Android and iOS devices. There are also new updates to the Beacon Web App (v7.0.1).
Included in this update:
Mobile App v5.0.5
- Introduction of the new Beacon logo to the platform
- General Performance Improvements and Fixes
Web App v7.0.1
- Introduction of the new Beacon logo
- Added changes to fix incorrect ETA to hospital shown on dashboard issue
- Added changes to show Incident Description at beginning of Incident Chat
- Added changes to show all responders when creating scheduled incident
- Added changes to display off-duty responders, only when scheduled incident is not active
- General Performance Improvements and Fixes
The Beacon Mobile App v5.0 is now available for download for Android and iOS devices. There are also new updates to the Beacon Web App (v6.3).
Included in this update are new features including:
Mobile App v5.0
- New SOS Button interface
- GPS location info now included in the responder info card
- Chat Rooms mute function
- Chat cache import and export capabilities
- General Improvements and Fixes
Web App v6.3
- Interface improvements for Case Reports, Audit Logs and Admin Tab view
- Download Case Reports functionality
- Additional security measures for Case Reports and Audit Logs
- General Improvements and Fixes
The Beacon Mobile App v4.8 is now available for download for Android and iOS devices. There are also new updates to the Beacon Web App (v6.2.1).
Included in this update are new features including:
Mobile App v4.8
- Chat cache saving capabilities
- Map marker editing permissions for mobile users
- General Improvements and Fixes
Web App v6.2.1
- Added changes to show geocoded location on incident map marker.
- Added changes to show the incident was created by a web or mobile dispatcher.
- Added changes to disable open street view.
The Beacon Mobile App v4.7 is now available for download for Android and iOS devices. There are also new updates to the Beacon Web App (v6.2).
Included in this update are new features including:
Mobile App v4.7
- Assigned responders can update incident location and address details in the app.
- Incidents created in the mobile app while offline will be cached and transmitted to the server once network connection is restored.
- Custom agency logos can now displayed on splash screen and side drawer.
Web App v6.2
- Custom agency logo upload
- Scheduled incident date and time can now be edited prior to incident becoming active.
- Added incident map marker functionality including assigning responders and adding photo attachments.
- Account managers can now add/edit web dispatchers.
- Option to include nearest cross streets in incident description (continental United States only.)
The Beacon Mobile App v4.5 is now available for download for Android and iOS devices. There are also new updates to the Beacon Web App (v6.0).
Included in this update are new features including:
Mobile App v4.5
- Background location tracking when app is running in the background
- Night shift dark screen mode
- Telephone numbers included in incident description automatically hyperlinked for calling from the app
- Mobile dispatchers can now initiate new incident creation by long pressing a location on the map
- Improved performance enhancements and bug fixes
Web App v6.0
- Redesigned user interface aesthetic
- Bulk responder template download now comes pre-populated with existing responders
- Responders can now be pre-assigned to Scheduled and Queued incidents after they have been created
- Photo attachments for map markers and transport destinations
The Beacon Mobile App v4.4 is now available for download for Android and iOS devices. There are also new updates to the Beacon Web App (v5.5).
IMPORTANT: Please read the Release Notes about the new Incident Priority functionality
Read the Release Notes here.
Included in this update are new features including:
Mobile App v4.4
- New Incident Priority features
- Critical Alert entitlement on iOS
- Enhanced alerting when incident location updated
- Enhanced incident commander notifications
- Hyperlinked Lat/Lon in SOS messages for navigation
- Receive and open pdf attachments in chat
Web App v5.5
- [ACTION REQUIRED] New queued and scheduled incident priority features
- Enhanced incident map marker functionality
- Responder standby and ETA display
- Bulk upload of responders
- Send pdf attachments in chat
The Beacon Mobile App v4.3 is now available for download for Android and iOS devices. There are also new updates to the Beacon Web App (v5.3).
Included in this update are new features including:
- Submit Incident Notes
- Add/Edit/Delete responder tags*
- Enhanced Distress Messages
- Landscape accessibility for Android tablets
*Permissions must be given through Settings page in the web application
The Beacon Mobile App v4.2 is now available for download for Android and iOS devices. There are also new updates to the Beacon Web App (v5.2).
Included in this update are new features including:
- Enhanced authentication
- Assign responders to active incidents
- Send voice messages through chat*
- Enhanced requests for Additional Resources
- Update to Flutter v2.0
- Customizable incident numbering
- Update incident location
*Permissions must be given through Settings page in the web application
The Beacon Mobile App v4.1 is now available for download for Android and iOS devices. Included in this update are new features including:
- Improved functionality to create and monitor incidents, including assigning specific responders and broadcasting alerts through zone/group tags
- New functionality to manage responders entirely through the app (though an Agency Account is still required to get started)
- Ability to send/receive photo attachments through chat groups
The Beacon Mobile App v4.0.1 is now available for download for Android and devices. This version reactivates mobile chat and includes minor bug fixes.
The new Beacon Mobile App v4.0 is now available for download for Android and iOS devices.
To ensure that your crews can make the transition easily please follow these steps:
- Log out of the existing Beacon mobile app and uninstall it from your phone
- Install the new app for Android and iOS devices
- After installation, go to “Settings” and click on the “Tour” link at the bottom of the Settings screen
- If you have been using mobile chat, review how SMS chat works. Mobile chat has been temporarily deactivated and will be reactivated shortly in the next app update (v4.0.1)
We have made new updates to the Beacon backend, including major performance improvements and changes to the Beacon Responder Workflows.
Please read this link to learn more about the additional steps added to the Responder Workflows. These changes are mostly for EMS Responders, but will apply to both Mobile App and SMS Users.
There are two new steps in Beacon v4.0:
- Step 2: “Confirm En Route” — Responders will now have to “Confirm En Route” before they “Confirm On Scene”. This change helps Dispatchers keep better track of Responders. Previously, Dispatchers had to assume the Responders were en route after they were assigned to an incident. In this update, when a Responder is assigned to an incident, they are asked to acknowledge that they are responding so that Dispatchers will automatically know.
- Step 7: “Complete Incident” — After a Transporting Responder confirms their Arrival at Hospital (Step 6), they will now have to also confirm when they are ready to Complete the Incident. Previously, their involvement was completed as soon as they arrived at the hospital. This extra step allows Responders to tell Dispatchers when they are ready to start receiving alerts again.
Need more help? Check out our Beacon Support page to review guides, videos and submit support tickets.
We’ve made significant improvements to the Beacon Web Dispatcher pages to improve the performance and user experience for dispatchers.
Please be sure to CLEAR YOUR BROWSER CACHE AND COOKIES before using.
The most important change is in the Create New Incident panel.
We’ve added several new features to assist web dispatchers in specifying the correct location:
- The Incident Location field is now fully editable
- We’ve included What3Words integration (Optional; for SMS only)
- We’ve included Lat/Long coordinates (Optional; for SMS only)
It’s now possible for responders to save incident notes to incidents they were assigned to. This is only possible by SMS at the moment, but will be included in the new mobile app update when released.
The SMS Code Index is an easy way to help you remember which SMS codes are available outside the regular Incident Response workflow.
To view the SMS Code Index, send ### to Beacon in an SMS Message.
Beacon now offers SMS chat messaging for responders who don’t have a smartphone and/or don’t have reliable Internet access. Read about how to use it here.
The Covid-19 pandemic is having catastrophic impacts on emergency medical services (EMS) across the globe. In order to help lessen the burden on local EMS providers and emergency call centers, it’s necessary to rapidly improve the capacity of community-based networks to respond to and manage low-acuity calls. To support these efforts, we’re making Beacon available free of charge to volunteer and/or non-profit community groups looking to dispatch local volunteers in order to respond to the needs of high-risk and vulnerable populations and reduce the burden on local EMS providers. Learn more here.