- Manage – Click here to add/edit/delete responders
- Assigned Responders – Responders that have been assigned to an incident will appear at the top of list and appear as Red , Yellow or Blue , depending on the Incident Priority
- Available Responders – A Green icon represents a responder who is available to respond to an incident, but is not currently assigned
- If the Responder has enabled GPS tracking permissions on their device, dispatchers can click on their icon to see their last recorded geographic location
- Opens VoIP application to call this Responder’s mobile phone (e.g., using Skype)
- Opens a private chat with this Responder
- Note: If the header shows “SMS” before the Responder’s name, that means the Responder is currently interacting with Beacon via SMS. If the header only shows their name, that means they are currently using the mobile app (Internet data) to interact with Beacon. Due to the nature of SMS messaging, Beacon treats the two communication modes separately
- Cancel Incident Responder – Click here to cancel an Assigned Responder’s participation in the incident and allow them to receive new incident alerts
- Expand / Collapse Responder Card – Click to expand the responder card and view additional information like their current status in the response workflow
- Responder Status – Describes the Responder’s current status in the response workflow
- Single Incident Badge – A single badge indicates the number of the incident that the Responder is currently assigned (or scheduled to be assigned) to
- Multiple Incident Badges – If there are multiple incident badges displayed, the first one indicates the number of the incident that the Responder is currently assigned (or scheduled to be assigned) to; additional badges indicate incidents that the responder will be assigned to after they complete their participation in the current incident
- Responder Tags – The tag icon will display the number of tags assigned for the responder. Hoover over it to see the list of tags.
- Log Out Button – Click the log out button to change the Responder’s status from On-Duty/Available to Off-Duty. To log them back in and make them On-Duty/Available again, click on the Manage button at the top of the panel