Incident Summary Card View
Now active incidents will display vital information by default without the need to expand the incident card:
- Incident elapsed time — It displays the time elapsed since the incident was created
- Incident location / address — Clicking it will center the map on the Incident location
- Confirmation Windows counters — These timers will display the remaining time before each Confirmation Window closes as set in the Broadcast Alert Settings for your Beacon Agency Account. **Only applies to Immediate Incident Priority**
- Assigned / Completed count — These respectively show the count for responders who are currently involved in the incident and the ones that have completed their involvement
- Expand / Collapse caret — Clicking it will expand or collapse the Incident Summary Card displaying additional information related to incident monitoring and incident updating features
- Incident Responder Tags — This icon will display the quantity of tags used when creating the incident. Hover over it to display the specific tags used (not shown).
- Incident Class | Category | Type — Incident Class (gray), Category (sky blue) and Type (pale yellow) will always be displayed on the collapsed or expanded Incident Summary Card.
- Edit Scheduled Incident activation details — This button will be available only for scheduled incidents before they become active. Clicking it will open a dialog interface to edit the incident due date / time.
**The edit button will disappear once Scheduled incidents become active.
- Red, Yellow or Blue Solid Map Marker – Indicates the location of an active incident. Click the marker to display a pop-up with a summary of the incident. Click the incident number in the pop-up to see the full Incident Details Page (not shown on image)
- Incident Number — Clicking on the incident number brings you to the Incident Details Page, which shows a more detailed view of the incident (not necessary to view to manage active incidents)
- Incident Class | Category | Type Edit button — Click to update them. A confirmation message will display when the update is successful
- Incident Location — Click on the address to center the map on the Incident Marker
- Update Incident Location button — Click to update incident location / address. Responders and other dispatchers will be notified when an incident location has been updated.
- Caller’s Name and Phone Number as stated by Caller and recorded by the Dispatcher on the Create Incident Panel
- Incident Description entered by the dispatcher when the incident was created
- Update Incident Description button— Click to update the incident description. Responders and other dispatchers will be notified when an incident description has been updated.
- Incident Class, Category, and Type – Will appear if selected by the Dispatcher when the incident was created. Each of these can be customized on the Settings Page by selecting the “Custom Incident Labels” section
- Responder Tags — Will appear if selected by the Dispatcher when the incident was created
- Assigned Responder — Will display a list of all responders assigned to the incident. Click on the responder icon to center the map on their location (only possible if they are using the mobile app and have given Beacon access to their location)
- Expand / Collapse Responder card — Click to show responder status
- Responder Status – Gives details on their progress in the incident response workflow
- Assign Additional Responders – Click this button to assigned additional responders to the incident
- Close Incident button — When clicked, you will be asked to include the reason why the incident is being closed. This explanation will be sent as a message to all Assigned Responders
- Filter Active Incidents by Priority Type – Click on the priority you would like to show/hide. Click here to learn more about Incident Priority and how to enable them for your account