There are three (3) ways to assign responders to incidents.
1. Incident Creation Panel
To assigning responders through the Incident Creation panel:
- Select Dispatch Type Assign when creating an incident.
- Click on “Select Responders”
- On the Pop Up list, select the responders to be assigned (not shown on this image)
2. Active Incident Card
To assigning responders through the Active Incident Card on the Incidents panel:
- Navigate to the Incidents tab on the dashboard, locate the incident you would like to assign responders and click the caret (▼) to expand the Incident Summary Card.
- Click on the “Responders +” button
- On the Pop Up list, select the responders to be assigned (not shown on this image)
3. Incident Marker
To assigning responders using the Incident Marker:
- Click on the Incident marker from the Incident you wish to assign responders
- Click on the “Responders +” button
- On the Pop Up list, select the responders to be assigned