The introduction of interactive buttons to the mobile app push notifications will give the ability to continue the Incident Workflow without a need to open the app. Interactive buttons notifications will start after user confirms En-Route through the mobile app.
Interactive Buttons in Push Notifications on Android
To use interactive buttons on Android devices
- Interactive buttons notifications will start after user confirms En-Route through the mobile app. You will notice the notification banner on top of the screen.
- When ready, go to the notification center and look for the Beacon notifications and follow the instructions to advance the incident response workflow
- When making a selection, a new notification will arrive with the next step on the Beacon workflow until the incident is completed.
Interactive Buttons in Push Notifications on iOS
To use interactive buttons on iOS devices
- Interactive buttons notifications will start after user confirms En-Route through the mobile app. You will notice the notification banner on top of the screen.
- When ready, go to the notification center and look for the Beacon notifications.
- Press and hold the notification to display the Workflow option.
- When making a selection, a new notification will arrive with the next step on the Beacon workflow until the incident is completed.
*** Please note that some incident response workflow features like Requesting Additional Resources and Transporting Patients require additional interaction with the mobile app to confirm the specific details. Also remember that different Responder Types have different workflow messages therefore Interactive Buttons on push Notifications might be different.