Special permissions grant mobile app users additional capabilities like Supervisor View, Managing Responders, Map Editing and Mobile Dispatching. These permissions do not fully replace all Web Dispatcher account capabilities but are very useful to manage operations On-the-Go.
*** We advice to evaluate each permission to grant them accordingly to staff with operational, management and administrative level tasks on your agency.
Supervisor View Permission
Supervisor View allow the responder to see the location of all other responders on the mobile app map at all times if they have granted GPS tracking permissions. Mobile Supervisors will also see the Ping button on the home screen.
Press the ping button to retrieve the most updated location of all responders. All responders who have enabled GPS Tracking permissions will be displayed on the map.
** Additional Notes:
- Location permissions should also be granted to the Beacon app on the device settings in order for GPS tracking to work accordingly.
- If GPS permissions are enabled, the responder’s location should update as described on the settings selected for GPS Tracking inside of Beacon
Map Editor Permission
Responders who have been given the Map Editor permission can create landmarks, zones and paths map markers in a similar way it is performed through the Web Dispatcher interface.
To Create map Markers:
- Press the edit icon located at the right side of the screen.
- Press the plus symbol at the lower right corner of the map.
- Select what type of marker you would like to create
Click here to learn more about editing maps through the Mobile App.
Click here to learn more about editing maps through the Web App.
Manage Responders Permission
You can manage responders from the Beacon mobile app if your organization has granted you the necessary permissions.
To manage Responders:
- From the main screen, go to the sidebar of the application
- Scroll down to the “Available Responders” section and click on the Edit icon
- Search bar for the responder list.
- The first user in the list will be you.
- For existing users, each responder is identified with the name and number that were entered when creating their profile.
- Press the (+) symbol if you want to add respondents to your organization.
- If you want to select multiple responders at the same time, check the boxes
Click here to learn more about Managing Responders through the Mobile App.
Click here to learn more about Managing Responders through the Web App.
Mobile Dispatcher Permission
Responders who have been given Mobile Dispatcher permissions can create new incidents through the Beacon mobile app in a similar way Web Dispatchers create new incidents. It’s important that only trusted responders are given Mobile Dispatcher permissions.
Click here to learn more about creating incidents through the Mobile App.
Click here to learn more about creating incidents through the Web App.