No, your mobile phone can’t have two SIM cards in it. Pick one SIM number to register your phone and remove the other when using Beacon.
No, your mobile phone can’t have two SIM cards in it. Pick one SIM number to register your phone and remove the other when using Beacon.
I’m trying to add new Responders and I get this error warning
This happens because the Responder registered their phone through the app, before you could add them to your Data Center, and they are now in a generic data center called Registration.
The best way to avoid this from happening is to add your Responders to the website before they register their phones through the mobile app.
To resolve this please send us an email to [email protected] with the Responder’s Name and Phone Number, and the name of your Agency account
To switch your Beacon account from DATA messages to SMS messages when you don’t have internet to connect to the app, send an SMS with 789 to your Beacon number (ask your admin if you don’t have it saved in your contacts). This will change your phone’s settings from DATA to SMS within Beacon and then resend the last Beacon message to you.
Please watch this video to see how it works in practice.
You can also read more about all the SMS Codes here
This is a common issue for the following scenarios:
Main solution would be to identify all devices / browsers where the user account is signed, log out of the Beacon interface, and perform Sign In again in just one device / browser tab at a time. It is recommended to Log Out of your account when not using Beacon for extended periods of time or at the end of your work shift to avoid any issues.
There could be multiple reason to why this banner is showing on the Beacon Dashboard like unstable network connection or weak signal strength. If those are all good then this banner might be getting triggered by new browser updates that make tabs go inactive after some time.
Please review External Factors documentation to learn more about browser settings.
This is because of the Transport Modes of the different Responders.
Beacon will allow at least one vehicle capable of patient transport (e.g., ambulance, car, boat) to be assigned to each incident when you broadcast alerts. So, if you requested a maximum of one responder, and the first one to reply was on foot, if a car replied after, Beacon would still accept it.
This is an artifact of having originally designed Beacon exclusively for ambulance services and fire departments. In a future v5.0, it will be resolved.
PROBLEM: “After I filled out the info on the Create Incident page and clicked “Create”, nothing happened.”
Chances are you don’t have any Responders registered and/or available to receive alerts. If this is the problem, a warning notification should appear on the screen. To fix the problem, go to the dashboard and click on the Manage Responders button. If no Responders appear, add some. If Responders appear but are colored red, you will have to make them available (green) or log new Responders in.
There are several scenarios which may be preventing you from logging in
This may be because your internet connection is too slow or because you are trying to access the Login page on an iPad or iPhone using the Safari app.
If you are using the Safari app for your iPad or iPhone, you may see this when you try to visit the Beacon login page:
The Beacon web pages have not yet been optimized for Safari or Internet Explorer so we’d kindly suggest downloading the Chrome or Firefox mobile apps for your iOS device . We know the Beacon web pages may sometimes work while using these web browsers, but it’s not a guarantee. Firefox and Chrome are much more reliable.
Similar to Scenario 1 above, it’s likely due to your Internet connection or the web browser you are using. Beacon has been optimized for Firefox and Google Chrome web and mobile apps — but not for Safari or Internet Explore. If you’re using an iPad or iPhone, or are using a laptop running Internet Explorer, we recommend you download Firefox or Chrome to access Beacon.
If you are sure you’re entering the correct login credentials, try erasing your browser’s cookies, cache, and history, then try logging in again.
It may also be causing problems if you are trying to access the Beacon web pages through Safari or Internet Explorer. Beacon has been optimized for Firefox and Chrome, but not yet for Safari or Internet Explorer, so we recommend you download Firefox or Chrome in order to get the best user experience for Beacon.
If you want to change your Messaging configuration from DATA to SMS, follow these steps:
The Beacon mobile app requires data for all screens, so if you change your settings to SMS and then go to another screen in the app, Beacon will change you back to DATA so you can see the other screens. To avoid this, close the app immediately after you switch from DATA to SMS.
Or, more easily, close the app and send a text message with 789 to the Beacon gateway number (see #8 in the diagram here).
We’re seeing different maps
It’s possible your Responders are seeing a random map in their mobile app that’s different than your catchment area.
To make sure Responders are seeing the same map as Dispatchers are, they have to be in the same data center.
The best way to ensure this is to add your Responders to the website before they register their phones through the mobile app.
If Responders register their phones through the mobile app first, they are put in a generic Data Center, called “Registration”. The map they see in their app is coming from the Registration Data Center
To resolve this:
Please send us an email to [email protected] with the Responder’s Name and Phone Number, and the Data Center you want them registered in. Or, if you have lots of Responders with the same issue, we can also give you access to the Registration Data Center where you can find your Responders and transfer them to your own Data Center.
If you can’t locate the incident marker on the map, that’s likely because the Dispatcher did not add an incident marker when they created the incident.
If you can’t locate the incident marker on the map and/or if you can’t view the Incident Card, the Dispatcher did not add an incident marker to the map when they created the incident. Send them a chat message to inform them and ask them to re-create the incident with a map marker.
Both Android and iOS have implemented restrictions on how mobile apps can receive push notifications (i.e., “Alerts”) that effect different devices in different ways. If you are having problems receiving push notifications, follow these instructions. If you are still having issues, please contact us at [email protected] to help you resolve the issue.
For iOS users:
For Android users:
Admittedly, it’s not easy to test every Android device as thoroughly as iOS because: A) There are hundreds of different devices that use the Android operating system, and B) Device manufacturers are able to change the Android operating system however they want, resulting in different devices handling notifications in different ways.
Fortunately, most Androids don’t have problems with push notifications, but we have seen that, in general, the cheaper Android devices are more likely to have problems with push notifications (as well as most Huawei devices). If you run into problems, here are some steps to take to troubleshoot (see images below for more details):
For Mobile App Users
Both Android and iOS devices have a number of restrictions in place to make sure that mobile app users are only sharing their location when desired. The following criteria have to be met in order for you to see the location of other responders in your mobile app:
Once those criteria have been met, then the mobile app user must have their phone turned on and the Beacon mobile app in the foreground to share their most recent location.
*Note: If you click on a responder’s icon in the sidebar of the mobile app, and it says “Location Unavailable” that happens for two reasons:
For Web App Users
If responders comply with the criteria above, then dispatchers will be able to see the last reported location of the responder. This may or may not be the most recent location — if a responder doesn’t have the phone on, the app in the foreground and/or hasn’t changed their GPS Tracking settings to “Always” or “Only during incidents”, then the dispatcher will not be able to see the most recent location (even if they click the Ping button on the home screen map).
We’re sorry to belabor this point, but we have gotten enough complaints from users saying “The web app isn’t showing my current location”, when the reality is that they don’t understand how GPS Tracking works. Please keep in mind that Android and iOS do not allow mobile apps to track a user’s location all the time no matter what. Permissions have to be granted, the phone has to be on, the app has to be in the foreground, and the settings have to be configured correctly. (For example, if the responder allows Beacon to track their location “Only During Incidents“, and there is no active incident, then their current location will not be displayed until they are assigned to an incident and they interact with Beacon.
Similarly, if responders install the app for the first time, and they have set their GPS Tracking settings in the app to “Only During Incidents“, their location will not appear until they have been assigned to an incident and they interact with Beacon.
To resolve this, try these steps:
We wish it more straightforward but, like Push Notifications, there are restrictions placed on mobile apps by Android and iOS that require developers and users to meet certain criteria. At least in the case of GPS Tracking, this is a good thing for protecting privacy. But once you understand the criteria and educate your users, we are certain you’ll see the GPS Tracking works quite well.
There are several things that could cause Beacon to skip messages:
It’s also possible that you may not understand the sequence of messages that Beacon sends. Depending on Beacon’s settings and how the incident goes, you may or may not receive all of the messages that you’re expecting.
Here are a couple resources to help you figure it out:
Incidents can be closed in three ways:
If you’re using Beacon to run simulations, it’s very likely you’re going to move through the incident very quickly — faster than in real life. This will result in you completing the incident before the Confirmation Windows close, so the incident will stay open until the Confirmation Windows close.
*To learn more about the importance of Confirmation Windows, see: Dispatch Automation on the Settings page
My dashboard map is all blue
If you have just created a new account it’s possible your map may appear all blue on both the dispatch dashboard and the mobile app.
This is likely because your map’s latitude / longitude are set to 0˚, 0˚, placing you in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean off the western coast of Africa. If this is the case, the map will continue to focus at these coordinates until you change them.
To resolve this issue:
Includes links the Dispatcher Guide and other resources for dispatchers using the Beacon web pages
Includes links to Responder Guides for emergency responders using the mobile app and SMS interfaces.
Video tutorials and walkthroughs for the Beacon web pages and mobile app and SMS interfaces.
A range of frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help dispatchers and responders with troubleshooting.
Beacon status, release announcements and other news and information for Beacon users.
View our quick setup video to help you walk through the initial steps of the Beacon onbaording process.